Meaning Additional Cost of Working / Increased Cost of Working
What does Additional Cost of Working / Increased Cost of Working mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Additional Cost of Working / Increased Cost of Working. You can also add a definition of Additional Cost of Working / Increased Cost of Working yourself


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Additional Cost of Working / Increased Cost of Working

The increased costs incurred after a property damage loss, to limit any reduction in turnover or revenue, and to maintain normal business operations. These expenses could include such items as hiring alternate premises, temporary staff, additional freight or storage etc. (Most policies limit the amount they will pay for these costs to the amount th [..]


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Additional Cost of Working / Increased Cost of Working

Additional insured risk which are normally added to a standard set of perils. An example are perils such as storm, flood, impact damage etc which are added to the standard fire perils in a fire insura [..]

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